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💑 妙事无穷剧情简介

  The story is set in 1920. While on a brief visit to Sicily, the winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature Luigi Pirandello (Servillo) has an unexpected experience which leads to him meeting two singular theatre characters, Onofrio Principato (Ficarra) and Sebastiano Vella (Picone), amateur thesps who are auditioning for a new show alongside other actors from their am-dram group. This encounter between the brilliant author of "Six Characters in Search of an Author" and the ragtag theatrical group will turn out to be the source of countless surprises.《妙事无穷》Letizia Battaglia是一部由实力派演员托尼·塞尔维洛,费卡拉,皮考尼,雷纳托·卡朋特理,唐娜提拉·芬诺恰罗,路易吉·洛·卡肖,加拉泰亚·兰齐,福斯托·鲁索·阿莱西等人主演,由优秀导演罗贝托·安度辛苦拍摄的剧情片电影,妙事无穷于2022年在意大利地区上映。喜欢八戒影视电影妙事无穷,请一定要分享和收藏起来我们的网址,方便下次再来观看妙事无穷。


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